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going public

i've finally decided to take the plunge and go public with this blog... heheheh... it's kinda accidental, anyway. this morning, as i was cleaning my old emails, i found a 6-month old email from ricebowl journals about my membership. i've forgotten that a long time ago i submitted a request to have my blog added there. so after a few hours of contemplation, i finally thought, oh, what the hell...

see, it was a dilemma for me before... and still kinda is, actually... i'm basically a pretty private person, and i only let some of my friends know about the existence of this blog, cuz i'm not really comfortable in sharing my thoughts with just anyone... and there's a possibility that i might not be able to be completely open with what i write here...

but then again, why start a blog if i don't want people to read it?

so... well... here it is...

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