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pixel character festival

found another excuse to postpone editing my essay and studying gre tonight. at least i'm learning something new: the key to pixeling is definitely patience, patience, and more patience. go see for yourself all the cute and dazzling members of godote's forum at the pixel character festival by gig... there are more than 20 characters altogether now... they're so cute! love 'em all!!!

update: summary of last week's inter-religion dialogue is available here, if you're interested.


hi..des! he2 thanks a lot nongol di news... & btw suka banget sama all tone colours of randomscribbles... cute!

hey, no problem! makasih udah mampir.. :)

Halo desi,
Thanks bgt udah ngelink insanegrafix! Gue baru tau :P Nice layout! Like the colors. So how's Boston? Looks like Spring is finally here huh :D yaayy...
anyways, thanks again...

halo noel... hehe... you're very welcome! thx for visiting :)

boston is still kinda cold on some days, like today... i think we're skipping spring here. dari winter langsung ke summer kayaknya.

elo di oregon ya? *abis ngintip insanegrafix*

absen ah des

yup, di eugene oregon. kota cilik. kaya bogor. deez weekend should be nice, or would it? :) spring does come late this year. oh well...