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November 25, 2003

Selamat Lebaran

Untuk semua teman yg merayakan, Selamat Idul Fitri, 1 Syawal 1424 H. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin kalau selama ini ada kata2/perbuatan gue yg salah... Have a great celebration, en jangan lupa ngundang2 gue buat acara makan2 ketupatnya!

November 14, 2003


happy friday everyone! i'll be off to new hampshire for a weekend retreat in a few minutes.

here are a couple links to start your weekend: the famous 'chopping broccoli' song by dana carvey (my personal all-time favorite), and also check out the new edition of creative behavior. enjoy! ;)

November 04, 2003


halloween weekend was a lot of fun! will post details later in the week, as i barely have enough time to breathe right now...

in the mean time, here's a glimpse of your friendly freaks posing on the streets of salem on friday night. how do you like my home-made bjork costume?


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