July 26, 2004

canned pineapples & everything else...

taken from Chungking Express: He Zhiwu, Cop 223: Any canned pineapple that expires on May 1? Cashier: You know what...

June 30, 2004

michael moore, concerts, gmail and death valley

went to see michael moore's fahrenheit 9/11 on saturday. it was the 4pm show (which is usually pretty dead), and...

May 28, 2004

friday updates

yay, weekend! and summer hours start today! i'm off every friday at 1.30 from now thru end of august! ain't...

December 12, 2003

bus 174

bus 174 is a documentary about a bus hijack that took place in rio de janeiro on june 12, 2000...

October 27, 2003

movie marathon & the middle east

who'd ever thought that a little tiny seemingly non-threatening flu shot can have such a devastating effect? i got sick...

October 13, 2003

kill bill & fall foliage

it was a fun and busy weekend. but i wish i had tomorrow off for columbus day like everybody else....

August 16, 2003

what i want my words to do to you

"can a person's life have meaning again once she has done something truly horrible?" go see this movie if you...

July 15, 2003

animatrix, etc.

yaayy! my dvd is finally here from amazon. i'm gonna watch animatrix tonight! :) *jumping up & down with joy*...

March 26, 2003


can somebody please explain to me how did chicago manage to win 6 oscars, one of which is best picture???...


yuck... the more i think about it, the more i don't like the movie irreversible. how could anyone even compare...

February 06, 2003

my only goal

(and i think everybody's, too, for that matter) is to find happiness on a day-to-day basis. this is my conclusion...

December 14, 2002


finally went to see baraka on the big screen. omg, it is SO beautiful i was almost in tears watching...

November 15, 2002

about fear...

i think the movie bowling for columbine should be made mandatory for everybody to watch... it's easily one of the...

September 09, 2002


went to see a collection of shorts @ copley after work with ralph... it was sponsored by the boston film...

August 26, 2002


i woke up jumping off the bed this morning at 9:30... i was supposed to be at work already at...

August 22, 2002

catching up on movies

i'm finally catching up on movies i wanted to see these past couple of weeks... so far i've rented piņero,...

August 19, 2002

about movies...

i think i broke a personal record tonight... the longest time i've ever spent talking about a bad movie......

July 19, 2002


"An assumption developed that you cannot understand life and live life simultaneously... I would say that life understood is life...

July 12, 2002

waking life

my new favorite movie! and the setting was in austin, too! hmmm... i miss austin... :( i have three favorite...

June 25, 2002

days of being wild

just finished watching days of being wild... evi gave me the dvd for my birthday... i'm pretty sure i had...